Here by then, I sucked the life been given..
Like a toddler, been repress..
Breath of fire filled the air..
Here by then, scenery burst to black..
Blooming, push another effort to be played..
Like music to be heard, story to be told..
It lies cover all souls keep wander..
Where an answer.?
Who was you, seize the time.?
What it's like to be free.?
What it's like to be live.?
The sun rose, the ray keeps falling..
Bathe every single tears wept, all the sweat to run..
Force the innocent ask forgiveness..
Cried out for the sins of the others..
Sung redemption too long ago..
Battle of the day is over..could it be trully over.?
Or should we reclaimed the hatred to the next.?
Should we walk on the sidewalk with a hope in our hand.?
Let me try a different path and oath..
Here by you, there's renown too..
With moon's snare surround this field..
Used to be empty..used to be silent..
Warm redundant me..
Harizon dissolve, and stood by..
Here by you..
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