Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Simple questions,,,

I closed all the shuttle, so light don't enlighten me..
I slept with all dreams on my mind, so no one can't take it away from me..
I did everything I could, my heart please be calm..tomorrow will be come..
Kept prayer burn every cold that world provided..then it never dies..

I stand alone, I still alone..
What makes all the different between night and day.?
What made things clear between "will" or "won't", and what make so sure.?
What right they have to told you what you "gonna" and "not gonna" do.?

Do we have souls.?Does God allowed us to have a soul.?
No things clear between heaven or hell,just some decision of our own..
When it crumble, where would you held up to make your stand still.?
Everything you did will redeem you, just one else..

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