Minggu, 16 November 2008

Sometime we just have to be Stars...

Let go the past that weighted..
Leave some note to remember..
Let the tear flow with you life swallow..
The age give another reason..Brave..

Take a brief breath to old oath..
Fall just haunt you while you aware..
Distance just minded time to forget..
There's always sign to new way..way of truth..

Feed an anger with every picture that smile..
Release some rage to burden someone..
While the other just try to yield..
Hold tight..You just need to stand beyond..

Every black should have a white..
Since it's dark there shall be a light..
Some alone just didn't realize some share..
Cause you'll be bright all night long..Stars in the North..

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

dr be2rapa yg udh gw baca g tau knp suka sm posting yg ini..

pa lg sm kalimat..
'every black should have white'


Mihelm182 mengatakan...


kau meninggalkan jejak..!!!!
terimakasih mbak..!!!!

jgn bosen2 ke sini yah..gw promosiin trs dah lu ke temen2 bujang gw..hehe

coquendo mengatakan...

keren nuu